Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hole in The Wall

So S comes in and starts discussing how to patch the hole in the wall.

F says something about getting Mesh tape and making it elegant, to which S responds with, "No i have an extremely elegant way to fix it. I'm going to put tape on the inside of the wall, and plaster over it, that way theres no visible bump"

F says something about how the term elegant usually has a subset of adjectives, such as simple.

To which S responds with "It is simple"

This is about the time where i point out that sticking mesh tape INSIDE of the wall isn't exactly simple.

Currently we're discussing how to fix the various problems with our house, partially because our Landlord isn't exactly helpful and is extremely uninvolved. Not to mention our landlord is always high on pain medication and forgets what she says immediately after she says it.

I fixed my door with the help of my boyfriend by putting a folded up piece of paper over the latch of the door with a hair tie over either side of the door knob.

The reason is because the door knob locks up and doesn't move the latch, potentially leaving us locked in my room at three in the morning when my boyfriend realizes he has to go to the bathroom.

This happened and I texted F to come open our door. She was extremely agitated.

Also F fixed our shower. Also with a hair tie. At some point the holder for our removable shower head broke and no longer held our showerhead up, so we either had to hold it or only wash our ankles, and she fastened some sort of device to keep it attached to the showerarm at all times, which means we can take normal showers again.

So now S wants to fix something and the most obvious thing to fix would be the hole in the hallway from S's door being slammed against the wall, when someone in the house may or may not have been drunk.

So back to his elegant simple idea. He was going to stick duct tape on the inside of the wall, but only halfway and then use another piece and slide a ruler attached to a string to press the tape against the wall, then use a hook to press it hard to make sure the tape was flat.

I asked how he was going to remove the ruler, and his response was that it would just be sacrificed to the inside of the wall.

Pushing the thought of mesh tape and plaster from my mine, i respond with "So, You're telling me that sacrificing something to the inside of our wall is going to be elegant and simple?"

And F says "We are not turning the inside of our walls into alters. "

Which means that S is going to take my boyfriends advice and just put mesh tape over a larger portion of our wall and plaster over the whole area, then sand it down.

More from the house on paper street, when more happens.



  1. There will also be accompanying pictures of the project.
    - S

  2. this may be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

  3. oh and by the way i didn't bring up the elegant part at all, i wasn't even the one to bring up fixing the wall. just the fact that his idea was clearly not elegant.
